He's Got the Best On-Farm Digester You'll Ever Find

Of the more than 30 on-farm digestion facilities in Ontario, Carl's is the largest, with 750 kW of electrical-generating capacity.  And his is also likely the most successful operation, because he routinely operates at 100% of his generating capacity, month after month, since commissioning his digester in October of 2013.


Having a fully-automated facility is great.  I have a beef feedlot to run.  We also crop.  The digester runs itself—timing of feeding, accuracy of feeding, operation of the CHP’s—it’s all automated and I can monitor and adjust things anywhere I can use my smart phone. 

Carl Frook—Marl Creek Renewables


Turn Manure Into An Asset

Many farms have taken advantage of the potential for generating revenue from their manure, through the addition of a biogas plant to their operation.  This is particularly true for the Canadian dairy and beef sector.

Generating electricity for sale to the local utility can produce attractive returns on the capital invested, while providing a consistent and long-term revenue stream to support the farm into the future. 

And Get Better Crop Response at the Same Time

Manure management is also dramatically improved.  After passing through the farm digester, nutrients in the manures are converted into a form readily available to crops.  As well, odours normally associated with liquid manure spreading are dramatically reduced.

Most provincial and state governments have established streamlined approval approaches to promote the construction of on-farm digesters.  As well, most allow the farm to take in a percentage of off-farm commercial waste materials, which bring both waste disposal revenue and the ability to generate even more energy for sale.

We have a long history of working with the agricultural sector, and have a deep understanding of what it takes to create a successful on-farm facility.  We believe that our Marl Creek Renewables project is simply the best on-farm digestion facility in Canada today.